We are experienced in manufacturing garments specific to an individual clients’ requirements.
We only work with approved and accredited factories to ensure all garments are compliant and ethical. Our supply chain is completely transparent giving you visibility of the manufacturing process from start to finish.
Our vast and varied experience means we are able to select a factory based on any number of different factors such as fabric, style, type of garment and lead time to ensure on time delivery of product and a fit for purpose finished product. Working with a number of different factories means we also aren’t reliant on any one supplier, vital in today’s ever changing world.
With minimum order quantities from just 100 pieces, we are able to create bespoke clothing lines for you without the need to order high volume. Less risk, more reward.
As previously outlined, we are able to utilise a number of suppliers meaning we can manufacture product in as little as 6 weeks dependent on your needs.